Introduction to DreamWeaver








Status Bar


Document Window




Main Dreamweaver Interface Elements

·        Title bar – displays information such as the name of the current document shown in the document window.

·        Menu bar – features drop-down menus that contain related options.  For example, the file menu has options that allow you to open, save, and close documents.

·        Toolbar – allows you to select options by clicking a button.  There are three toolbars available in Dreamweaver:  Insert, Document, and Standard.  The insert toolbar has different views that display different button options.

·        Panel -  contains tools and commands that you can use to manipulate your workspace.  For example, the Files panel helps you manage and navigate the files and folders in at Web site.

·        Document window – displays the document you are working on.

·        Status bar – provides information such as the estimated download size of the current page.

·        Inspector – provides information about elements of a Web page.  The inspector changes depending on what element is selected on the page.